PAR Guide to the 2023 Constitutional Amendments

PAR Guide to the 2023 Constitutional Amendments

 The 2023 Guide covers the potential impact of eight constitutional amendments the public will consider on the Oct. 14 and Nov. 18 ballots. This nonpartisan, educational review helps you understand the issues and the proposed changes so you can develop your own positions on each proposition.


The Advocate - Editorial: The costs of bad government, and 55 ways to fix it

The Advocate - Editorial: The costs of bad government, and 55 ways to fix it

The Advocate Editorial: The Louisiana Reset initiative, a combined effort of the Public Affairs Research Council, the Council for a Better Louisiana and the Committee of 100, lists 55 distinct ways to do better.

Baton Rouge Business Report: Business, good-government groups renew push for a Louisiana ‘reset’

Three of Louisiana’s most prominent nonpartisan policy groups have unveiled a slate of briefings and recommendations that they hope will help guide and inform this year’s state elections. 

The groups don’t have political action committees and don’t endorse candidates, Barry Erwin, president and CEO of the Council for a Better Louisiana, told the Baton Rouge Press Club today. But by sharing their expertise he hopes they can help keep the candidates focused on core issues. 

More than 30 legislative seats will be open this year, the coalition notes. Newly elected legislators often take a few years to fully grasp the issues, says Steven Procopio, president of the Public Affairs Research Council of Louisiana. 

“We’re hoping to accelerate that learning,” Procopio says. 

This is the second election cycle for Reset Louisiana’s Future, which also includes the Committee of 100, billed as “Louisiana’s Business Roundtable.” While the problems the coalition addresses are long-standing, members point to the recent tax “swap” that eliminated the federal income tax deduction in favor of lower income tax rates as a sign of progress. 

“Legislation is cumulative,” says Michael Olivier, Committee of 100’s CEO. 

PAR: House spends heavily to lower pension debt, while removing education increases

PAR: House spends heavily to lower pension debt, while removing education increases

Spending plans crafted by Republicans leaders in the Louisiana House trade most of the governor’s recommended education investments to instead pay down retirement debt, setting up a financial clash with senators who want a different approach. The budget proposal prioritizes the pension payments to create long-term savings and stays below the state’s constitutional spending limit. To do so, it strips new dollars sought by Gov. John Bel Edwards for public school teacher pay raises, early childhood education and public colleges, while also steering millions to lawmakers’ pet projects.

The Advocate Guest column: It's time to RESET Louisiana's future

The Advocate Guest column: It's time to RESET Louisiana's future

This is an important year for Louisiana. We know we will be electing a new governor and many new legislators. We also know in recent years we have seen tangible successes in key areas like tax reform, investment in early childhood education and targeted state resources to roads and bridges.

PAR Snapshot: Louisiana Builds Rainy Day Fund reports that Louisiana is rebuilding its state savings account for tough times, after repeatedly taking out money to patch budget gaps during years of financial difficulties for the state. At its height in the 2008-09 financial year, the Budget Stabilization Fund held nearly…for more information, click here:


Study: Louisiana Pre-K program produces benefits through high school

Study: Louisiana Pre-K program produces benefits through high school

A new study by the Council for A Better Louisiana shows long-term benefits for children who participate in a statewide public Pre-K program known as LA 4.

Previous research indicated preschool programs positively could impact student readiness and achievement in elementary school, but the Baton Rouge-based nonprofit’s new findings mark sustained benefits through high school, making the results unique.

RESET Louisiana - Regular Legislative Session Recap

RESET Louisiana - Regular Legislative Session Recap

The Louisiana Legislature convened on April 12 for its Regular Session and adjourned at 6 PM on June 10. The primary goal of the special session was to pass a state budget, which is constitutionally required to be done by the end of the fiscal year (June 30); they pulled it off under the wire. Going into the session, the priority of the Legislature emerged as fiscal and tax reform. The governor committed to supporting said reforms if they remained revenue neutral. The impetus for reform has been on “broadening the base and lowering the rates” while reducing deductions.


Reform leaders: Time for Louisiana Legislature to step out for long-term solutions

Reform leaders: Time for Louisiana Legislature to step out for long-term solutions

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought many difficulties to Louisiana — sickness and death obviously, but also traumatic economic, social and psychological injuries. Rarely have we faced these difficulties all at one time.